Maxbond 328P is a two component urethane coating with excellent elasticity to protect floors and membrane systems against UV radiation. Available in Gray, Green and other special colors.

Design Features

• Two component for extended storage time.
• No discoloration.
• Excellent elasticity.
• Provides long term protection to membranes and coatings from UV exposure and wear.
• Good adhesion to concrete and excellent bond to polyurethanes.

Surface Preparation

Substrate shall be fully cured, clean and dry.


Contents of base resin should first be thoroughly stirred to disperse any possible settlement before pouring into a
mixing container. While stirring continuously, slowly pour in the Hardener. Once mixed, the material must be
applied within 30 to 60 minutes in warm tropical climates.

The Installation

Apply Maxbond 328P with a paint roller, brush or spray to achieve minimum 0.1mm thickness. When applying over new coatings or membranes, ensure that the material to be coated is dry-hard before applying Maxbond 328P directly over the surface. The use of Maxbond PU Primer is recommended on concrete and other porous substrates. Use only in well ventilated area and keep away from open flame.


Maxbond 328P should not be applied to surfaces with rising dampness.
Uneven substrate texture or non-uniform application may cause differences in gloss appearance.


Approximately 0.2 kg per m2 for 0.1mm wet film thickness.

Storage & Shelf Lif

Prevent from prolong exposure under direct sunlight. 12 months shelf life when stored in a cool and dry space.

Health & Safety

Maxbond 328P contains solvent and is harmful to eyes and skin. Use protective clothing, rubber gloves and mask during application with adequate ventilation

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